Download Paper Princess's Dream Castle latest version
Version: 1.1.6
Release date: 25.04.2023
Release date: 25.04.2023
Paper Princess's Dream Castle FAQ
- 1.Is 500 Riddles APK free to download?Yes, 500 Riddles APK is free to download for Android devices, but it may contain in-app purchases.
- 2.What's the download size of 500 Riddles APK?500 Riddles APK takes up 28 MB of data on mobile. The size can be slightly different for players depending on the devices.
- 3.What language does 500 Riddles APK support?500 Riddles APK supports en, and more languages. Go to More Info to know all the languages 500 Riddles APK supports.
More Information
- Package Name:
- Requires Android:Android 4.4+
- Architecture:arm64-v8a
- Signature:db004ef85c7587553e22e71c42e1c7ee695cba9d
- Languages:
- Permissions: